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Missionary on the Silk Road

A compelling story that constantly makes you think

Eric den Hollander • ebook • epub

  • Samenvatting
    Eric and Tamar travel with high hopes to Uzbekistan to spread God's Word. Despite years of preparation, they were hardly aware of the unprecedented challenges they would face.
    This book is unique among mission books. You are drawn into the adventures and setbacks, the doubts and highlights of the main characters. Their story shows how God leads and can be trusted in every situation. Even though He may seem absent at times, He goes on with His plan.
    For those preparing for mission work, this book provides indispensable tools. Experienced missionaries will identify with the experiences of the main characters with a smile and a tear. It is a gripping story that constantly makes you think. It offers the reader an honest account, without idealizations or obligatory happy ending.
    As a fifteen-year-old, the author already experienced a calling to missionary work. After training as an English teacher, he worked with his growing family in Central Asia in the late 1990s. Currently, Eric is an entrepreneur in the ICT industry, but he still spends many a free hour working to carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus.
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Epub
    Auteur : Eric den Hollander
    Bestandstype : epub
    Distributievorm : Ebook (digitaal)
    Aantal pagina's : Afhankelijk van e-reader
    Beveiliging : Digitaal watermerk (social DRM)   Informatie 
    Uitgeverij : People International
    ISBN : 9789090391014
    Datum publicatie : 08-2024
  • Inhoudsopgave
    The first trip
    Language Study
    To the hot south
    Looking for a place of their own
    Infernal heat
    The mud village
    A wondrous encounter
    The holy sinner
    The yoke of hospitality
    The house on the edge of the steppe
    Plodding on
    Sick of cotton
    Unexpected growth
    The opponents
    A House to live in
    Team expansion
    Unified vision
    Holy impatience
    Wonderful people
    And sometimes the police are your best friends
    Let your light shine!
    Gardens with flowing rivers
    The last house
    Birth pains as of a pregnant woman
    Sowing peace in hearts
    Is anything too hard for the Lord?
    The zeal for Your house
    The road to Moria
    God continues
    Once again to Central Asia
    Back in Qarshi
    The crowd that no one could count
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They arrived at five in the morning, by train. Despite the early hour, it was already very warm. Qarshi, not far from the border with Afghanistan, was the city they had chosen with their little working group after a year of thinking, meeting, praying and searching. They had big plans. Here they were, the two of them at the forefront, full of expectations about what life would be like in this city. Would they easily gain friends among the locals? Would God begin a great work in this city? If so, might they see the beginning of it? On the other hand, they also just felt completely exhausted. The atmosphere of the train was still in their system, and they had slept miserably. Naturally, they were also uncertain about the immediate future. Where would they sleep tonight? They had no idea. Would they be able to find a home soon? Had they done the right thing to leave behind the admittedly not overly comfortable but still reasonably stable life in the capital, Tashkent? Eric wondered where on earth he had taken Tamar. Sometimes a sudden flash of doubt struck him, for a short moment. They had nowhere in the world now to call home. ×