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The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher

Hilary Mantel • ebook • epub

  • Samenvatting
    A brilliant - and rather transgressive - collection of short stories from the double Man Booker Prize-winning author of Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies.Including a new story The School of English.Hilary Mantel is one of Britain's most accomplished and acclaimed writers. In these ten bracingly subversive tales, all her gifts of characterisation and observation are fully engaged, summoning forth the horrors so often concealed behind everyday facades. Childhood cruelty is played out behind the bushes in 'Comma'; nurses clash in 'Harley Street' over something more than professional differences; and in the title story, staying in for the plumber turns into an ambiguous and potentially deadly waiting game.Whether set in a claustrophobic Saudi Arabian flat or on a precarious mountain road in Greece, these stories share an insight into the darkest recesses of the spirit. Displaying all of Mantel's unmistakable style and wit, they reveal a great writer at the peak of her powers.
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Epub
    Auteur : Hilary Mantel
    Bestandstype : epub
    Distributievorm : Ebook (digitaal)
    Aantal pagina's : Afhankelijk van e-reader
    Beveiliging : Adobe DRM   Informatie 
    Uitgeverij : Harper Collins
    ISBN : 9780007580989
    Datum publicatie : 09-2014
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