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My Notorious Life

Kate Manning • ebook • epub

  • Samenvatting
    to the dizzying heights of New York society. But as her fame grows and her name hits the headlines, her reputation as the most scandalous midwife of her time begins to threaten everything she holds dear. And one crusading official will not rest until he has brought about the downfall of `Madame X. It will take all of Axies cunning to save both herself and those she loves from ruin
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Epub
    Auteur : Kate Manning
    Bestandstype : epub
    Distributievorm : Ebook (digitaal)
    Aantal pagina's : Afhankelijk van e-reader
    Beveiliging : Digitaal watermerk (social DRM)   Informatie 
    Uitgeverij : Bloomsbury Publishing
    ISBN : 9781408835661
    Datum publicatie : 06-2013
  • Inhoudsopgave
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