Excerpt from the introduction:
"The book is divided into three parts, each addressing the cognitive horse from a different angle. The first part, The invisible horse, explains how our human beliefs and assumptions have an impact on our perceptions."
"The second part, Life without tension, introduces the concepts of equine zooanthropology. It describes what happens when a horse grows up in a socio-cognitive context and what it means for the interaction between horses and for the horse-human interaction when these abilities are taken into account. Practical examples are given of horses and their owners who find their way ‘back’, together, to a reciprocal relationship."
"In the last part, Growing together, the human elements are described, and the awareness that is necessary, to be able to understand the dynamics that are involved in the relationship between horse and human where the cognition of both is taken into account. It talks about letting go the habits and thought- mechanisms that create many expectations in our interaction with animals."