For this special issue of Queeste four prominent non-Dutch speaking medievalists have read Of Reynaert the Fox, the recently published English translation of Van den vos Reynaerde. In their essays they reflect on ways in which this Middle Dutch text could provide new insights in their own research and/or on ways in which their area of expertise might shed new light on the study of the Reynaerde. Thus, Queeste offers a fascinating journey of a German, a Canadian and two English scholars, traveling through the fields and courts of thirteenth-century Flanders with a fox as their guide. They, in turn, take the animal on a trip to the Germany of Reinhart Fuchs and Reynke de vos, the university of Paris, the Fourth Lateran Council Rome, up to the North American Great Lakes region of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Contents: SAMUEL MAREEL, Reynart abroad. Introduction SABINE OBERMAIER, Teamwork of translation and glossery. «Van den vos Reynaerde» for German scholars SERGE LUSIGNAN, Une source pour l 'histoire sociolinguistique du français picard ADRIAN P. TUDOR, God moete ons ziere hulpen jonnen! Approaching the Middle Dutch «Van den vos Reynaerde» through the Old French «Roman de Renart» JAMES R. SIMPSON, 'Oem walschedi?' Touching on Tongues, Teeth and Skin in «Van den vos Reynaerde» ANDRÉ BOUWMAN/BART BESAMUSCA, The Middle Dutch Beast Epic «Van den vos Reynaerde» in International Perspective JOOST ROBBE, 'Want onsen meyster Akarijn sel dair om lesen in sijn boeken'. Een speurtocht naar de geheimzinnige tovermeester Akarijn in «Reynaerts historie», vs. 5297-5298 Naar aanleiding van .../Apropos of ...: JAN BURGERS, Van den Vos Reynaerde. De feiten (Rudi Malfliet) MIKE KESTEMONT, Beatrijs' biecht. Stilistisch en semiotisch onderzoek (Roland Draux) VALERIE VERMASSEN, Middeleeuws kladwerk. De autograaf van de Brabantsche yeesten, boek VI (vijftiende eeuw) (Astrid Houthuys) GERARD BOUWMEESTER, 'Welk een ketter is die vrouw geweest!' De plaats van Albert Verwey in de Hadewijchreceptie (Annette van Dijk)