Many books with respect to IT and its benefits and (security)
impact have been written for colleges and universities, enterprise
corporations, businesses and governments.
A book or guide however just for the end-user or non-technical
guy or girl which outlines what is going on today, which impact IT
and its development has on our lives and a book that provides us
with some (basic and security) guidelines and good practices on
how to participate and protect yourself in this interesting, yet,
one-inch-deep-and-a-mile-wide world, did not exist whilst writing
this book (or I simply couldn’t find it).
I wrote this book because I think it’s important to understand how
we all participate in this {phyrtual} – physical and virtual – world
and what impact this has on us. I hope that I’m able to guide you
through and that you, by the end of this book, are (security) aware
of your role and your participation in this “matrix”.