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Designing interdisciplinary education

Lucy Wenting • Boek • paperback

  • Samenvatting
    Interdisciplinary education has been identified by many educational organisations in Europe and the United States as important for what lies ahead, and it has become a buzzword in some debates about educating for the future. Now, more than ever, higher education is challenged to educate students to see beyond the limits of their own discipline and to come up with innovative integrated solutions for our global challenges. But how do you define interdisciplinarity? How do you measure whether a student has integrated different insights? How do you challenge students to step across disciplinary borders?

    'Designing interdisciplinary education' offers guidance and practical advice for university teachers who want to successfully develop, implement and sustain an interdisciplinary approach to their teaching.
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Paperback
    Distributievorm : Boek (print, druk)
    Formaat : 172mm x 242mm
    Aantal pagina's : Niet bekend
    Uitgeverij : AUP Educatief
    ISBN : 9789462984769
    Datum publicatie : 04-2017
  • Inhoudsopgave
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