This is a book about the Love for All that Lives. It is as well about Knowledge that comes from Wisdom that in its turn comes from Love. 39 Years after my conception, I feel stronger than ever. I have decided to bundle my Love, experiences, knowledge, visions and understandings till date in this book to share with you all what I have come to know in the last few months of this life. Only after I rediscovered and embraced myself again for 100%, remembering the true meaning of unconditional Love, the All revealed itself to another One. Without making any exception and regardless of your race, gender, colour of skin, religion, social status, country, sexual preference etcetera, I would like to share the One and the All with each One and you All as All Ones make the All whereas there is no distinction between the purenesses of All Ones Souls. All living beings including Mother Planet matter equally and should be cared for as we care for ourselves. We are connected in the All. We are the All.
In my life I have known great moments of Love and despair. I have Loved and have been Loved by many for which I would like to express my deepest feelings of gratitude. In my disharmony I have hurt peoples’ feelings as I was hurt myself. But we did not know better how to express ourselves at that time and did not know how it works; nevertheless I am sorry for any grieves caused. I have been given and gave enormous amounts of support in all ways imaginable for which I would like to express my gratitude. To my deepest belief I feel that everything starts with and within Oneself. We are all in the Centres of the Circles that surround us and should remember this in the actions we take as all our actions influence our self, our inner circles and the circles further away till infinity. How much of an effect your actions will have, depends on your Will and Drive to create and contribute to the development Yourself, the World and the Universe that surrounds you so basically the All. As said before, it starts with loving and understanding yourself to be able to take the mirrors that you placed around you away and look at the beauty of All that surrounds you.