In the vast reaches of space, an Astronaut embarks on an exploration mission only to be intercepted by enigmatic aliens. Captured and ensnared within the confines of a colossal alien dwelling, he must navigate this strange new world where gravity weighs heavy and alliances are uncertain. With heart-pounding action and twists at every turn, Alex Flanigan, faces off against the alien inhabitants while grappling with his own humanity. Through unexpected friendships and newfound understanding, Alex delves into a realm beyond his wildest imagination.
As memories of Earth flicker in his mind, Alex’s journey takes an unexpected turn when a young alien stands by him, shattering his preconceptions. It holds him as its pet. With courage and cunning, Alex formulates a daring escape plan that could lead him back home—if he can find his spaceship lost amidst the child’s toys.
As he tumbles onto an alien planet, disoriented and lost in the cosmos, unexpected encounters return him to a world that has moved on without him.
In a captivating reverse spin on E.T., join Alex on this riveting odyssey of discovery, friendship, and self-reflection where the line between friend and foe blurs, leaving him to ponder the true essence of humanity amidst the stars.