Intelligence or Chaos is a direct attack on atheism, based on new scientific facts and insights in the field of physics and cosmology that are revolutionary. These new facts have emerged over the last 30 years and have demonstrated that the universe is driven by information and intelligence, and not by randomness and chaos. In particular the fine-tuning of the cosmological constants in the universe, such as gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear forces, have mystified scientists and philosophers, and have derailed materialism as the only logical explanation for the existence of our universe with its inconceivable levels of organized complexity. The author, Mr. H.J. Keilman, has spent decades studying these developments and put them into a logical and historical perspective, explaining both the rise and inevitable decline of materialism and atheism. Never before in history did scientists and philosophers have such a rich arsenal of powerful arguments at their disposal to refute the atheist and materialist worldview. In a way that is intellectually satisfying for even some of the most sceptical among us.
Intelligence or Chaos is richly illustrated, 460 pages, well written and provides lucid explanations to complex subject matters. The book will be published and made available to the public on May 20, 2022, published by Ahimsa Publishing, UK,