Oh stars, you sprinkle your voice over the eyes that sleepy rejoice the songs of silent chords. I taste the aubergine satin of the night after the sea swallows the light. Your pixels reflect the written words on the TFT.
Keystrokes translate my thoughts into tiny stars floating in web space, masking my inner stutter and incompleteness of compassion. The Enter key is unforgivable, supported by an army of processors and wires that do not care about the meaning of feelings.
Then the dreams start to unfold virtual worlds we have never been visited. Galaxies of desires floating so far away from our home planet. We smile our life into ageless art. It is the whisper of silence that is invading the spaceship of the mind.
RAM chips forget it all, after the PC is shut down. But I will always remember to sign-on to my inner world of shared data under the silken torrent of encryption where no one has made love before.
Dream, you make dawn from dusk and scents our thoughts with mirr and musk, while unfolding truth and lie. You bring us to the spirit's garden, knowing what is easy and hard during life until we die. Forever I will search, the data being restored each time my journey ends. The consequences I do not fail on the web, where I will not hear the other cry, where I do not kiss the others tears. I only notice the blanks that I fill in by myself and the smileys that I receive. All that matters is me and my computer. How can I be afraid?
I have no true empathy with any of the cyber chatters but myself. The cyber world turns around me, which is real for everybody.