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A Master in Learning

From operant conditioning to metacognition

Basten Berg, Rieke van Bemmel en Michel van Ast • Boek • paperback

  • Samenvatting
    The book *A Master in Learning* was written in response to the needs of students in teacher training programmes for a practical, readable, and study-friendly book on learning theories and learning processes. This book meets that need, as it is written in clear language and is replete with practical examples of how learning theories can be applied in the daily educational practice of secondary education (general secondary education and pre-vocational secondary education).

    The book provides connections, guidelines, and tips for concrete action in everyday educational practice.

    Part I of the book covers the three major learning theories: behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism. These three theoretical streams, which more or less succeed each other over time, each view the nature of learning differently. According to the behaviourist learning theory, learning is the acquisition or extinction of behaviour. In the cognitivist learning theory, learning is seen as an information-processing process, while in the constructivist learning theory, learning is regarded as the (joint) construction of knowledge. Part I focuses on questions such as: How is learning accomplished? What is learned? What is your role as a teacher in this?

    Part II of the book deals with learning processes. In the literature on learning processes, various educational concepts are described, such as motivation, executive functioning, and metacognition. These concepts are explained and illustrated with practical examples. Part II focuses on questions such as: How do you motivate students? What is executive functioning? What can you do as a teacher to stimulate students' metacognitive skills?

    This book was written by dedicated teacher trainers with the conviction that educational knowledge has very practical applications in educational practice and that this knowledge is crucial to becoming a good teacher. We hope that as a reader of this book, you will appreciate the theory of learning and that the book will help you become a master in learning!
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Paperback
    Distributievorm : Boek (print, druk)
    Formaat : 170mm x 240mm
    Aantal pagina's : 211
    Uitgeverij : Een Meester in Leren
    ISBN : 9789464818147
    Datum publicatie : 07-2024
  • Inhoudsopgave



    Knowledge Base



    Chapter 1: Behaviourism and learning
    Chapter Structure and Learning Objectives
    Case Study
    1.1 Classical Conditioning
    1.1.1 Ivan Pavlov
    1.1.2 John Watson
    1.1.3 Classical Conditioning in Educational Practice
    1.2 Operant Conditioning
    1.2.1 Edward Thorndike
    1.2.2 Burrhus Skinner
    1.2.3 Operant Conditioning in Educational Practice
    1.3 Modelling
    1.3.1 Albert Bandura
    1.3.2 The Functioning of Mirror Neurons
    1.3.3 Modelling in Educational Practice
    1.4 Critiques on Behaviorism
    Case Study Analysis
    Key Learning Content CH1
    Reflection Questions for Your Own Teaching Practice

    Chapter 2: Cognitivism and Learning
    Chapter Structure and Learning Objectives
    Case Study
    2.1 The Rise of Cognitivism
    2.1.1 Gestalt Psychology as Precursor to Cognitivism
    2.1.2 The Computational Model of Cognitivism
    2.2 Knowledge Acquisition and Types of Knowledge
    2.2.1 Declarative Knowledge
    2.2.2 Procedural Knowledge
    2.2.3 Situational Knowledge
    2.3 Cognitivism According to Jerome Bruner
    2.3.1 Forms of Representation
    2.3.2 Discovery Learning
    2.4 Cognitivism According to David Ausubel57
    2.4.1 Active Receptive Learning
    2.4.2 Meaningful Learning
    2.5 Critiques of Cognitivism
    2.6 Cognitivism in Educational Practice
    2.6.1 Forms of Representation64
    2.6.2 (Guided) Discovery Learning
    2.6.3 Active Receptive Learning
    2.6.4 Meaningful Learning
    Case Study Analysis
    Key Learning Content CH2 (and CH1)
    Reflection Questions for your own Teaching Practice

    Chapter 3: Constructivism and Learning
    Chapter Structure and Learning Objectives
    Case Study
    3.1 Knowledge According to Constructivism
    3.2 Learning Processes According to Constructivism
    3.2.1 Cognitive Constructivism
    3.2.2 Social Constructivism
    3.3 Forms of Learning
    3.4 Constructivism in the Teaching Practice
    3.4.1 Active
    3.4.2 Constructive
    3.4.3 Cumulative
    3.4.4 Self-Regulation
    3.4.5 Goal Oriented
    3.5 Critiques of Constructivism
    3.5.1 The Evolving Role of The Teacher
    3.5.2 The Learner in Focus
    3.5.3 The Role of Knowledge
    Case Study Analysis
    Key Learning Content Chapter 3 (and CH2 and CH1)
    Reflection Questions for your Own Teaching Practice
    Deel II Learning Processes

    Chapter 4: Motivation to Learn
    Chapter Structure and Learning Objectives
    Case Study
    4.1 Motivation from a Behaviorist Perspective
    4.1.1 Extrinsic Motivation
    4.1.2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
    4.2 Motivation from a Cognitivist Perspective
    4.2.1 Intrinsic Motivation
    4.2.2 Attribution Theory
    4.2.3 Mindset Theory
    4.2.4 Goal Orientation
    4.3 Motivation form a Constructivist Perspective
    4.3.1 Self-Determination Theory
    4.3.2 Meaningful Learning
    4.3.3 Authentic Tasks
    4.3.4 The Learning Environment
    4.4 Motivation in Educational Practice
    4.4.1 Complimenten geven
    4.4.2 Goal Setting
    4.4.3 Motivational Education
    Case Study Analysis
    Key Learning Content CH4
    Reflection Questions for your Own Teaching Practice

    Chapter 5: The Brain and Learning
    Chapter Structure and Learning Goals
    Case Study
    5.1 The Brain
    5.1.1 Functioning of the Brain
    5.1.2 The Development of the Brain in Children
    5.1.3 Misconceptions About the Brain
    5.1.4 Neuromyths
    5.2 Intelligence
    5.2.1 Various Components of Intelligence
    5.2.2 Testing Intelligence
    5.3 The Functioning of Memory
    5.3.1 Phase 1: Intake of Information
    5.3.2 Phase 2: Storing of Information
    5.3.3 Phase 3: Retrieving Information
    5.3.4 Influencing Memory
    5.4 Executive Functions
    5.4.1 The Influence of the Prefrontal Cortex
    5.4.2 Eight Executive Functions
    5.4.3 Problems with Executive Functioning
    5.5 The Brain in Educational Practice
    5.5.1 Labelling
    5.5.2 Memory Strategies
    5.5.3 Strengthening Executive Functions
    Case Study Analysis
    Key Learning Content CH5
    Reflection Questions for your Own Teaching Practice

    Chapter 6: Learning to Learn
    Chapter Structure and Learning Goals
    Case Study
    6.1 Metacognition
    6.1.1 Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating
    6.1.2 Supporting Metacognitive Skills
    6.1.3 Self-Regulation
    6.2 Problem Solving
    6.2.1 Conditions and Phases of Problem Solving
    6.2.2 Problem-Solving or Problem-Based Learning
    6.3 Learning Strategies
    6.3.1 Spaced practice
    6.3.2 Retrieval Practice and the Testing Effect
    6.3.3 Interleaving
    6.3.4 Self-Explanation
    6.4 Learning to Learn in Educational Practice
    6.4.1 Metacognition in Educational Practice
    6.4.2 Problem Solving in Educational Practice
    6.4.3 Learning Strategies in Educational Practice
    Case Study Analysis
    Key Learning Content CH6
    Reflection Questions for your Own Teaching Practice
    Closing Remarks
    Overview Key Concepts

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