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Merel Slotboom • Boek • paperback

  • Samenvatting
    12 Completion,
    Is my 12th book.
    I am happy to share with you that I picked up writing after a 2 year break. This book for me is in many ways a form of completion.
    Although I believe that nothing has a beginning or end, here on planet Earth we seem to do things in cycles. One cycle that occurs often is the one of 12. In my book, I show you in 12 chapters 12 cycles of 12 that have influenced my life a lot and may be of influence to you.
    To just name some, I talk about numerology, astrology, the 12 months, and hours in the clock. I introduce you to kinesiology and working with 12 meridians, chakras, crystals, and codes, so you can balance yourself.
    All my books are easy to read, practical, and offer solutions to earthly problems to make life more beautiful and joyful, for you to become who you are, a wonderful being of light, igniting the world.
    Thank you for being with me. Love, Merel Slotboom
    All my books are available as Ebooks on my website Selfenizer.com
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Paperback
    Distributievorm : Boek (print, druk)
    Formaat : 148mm x 210mm
    Aantal pagina's : 96
    Uitgeverij : Selfenizer
    ISBN : 9789083223599
    Datum publicatie : 06-2024
  • Inhoudsopgave
    Chapter 1 Disciples
    Chapter 2 Star Signs
    Chapter 3 Months of the year
    Chapter 4 Hours in the Clock
    Chapter 5 The 12 Meridians
    Chapter 6 The 12 chakras
    Chapter 7 The Crystal City
    Chapter 8 The Crystalline Matrix
    Chapter 9 Brain Gym®
    Chapter 10 Layers of DNA
    Chapter 11 Numerology
    Chapter 12 My 12 books
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Dear reader, welcome to my twelfth book: 12 Completion.
I am very happy and thankful that after a difficult period in my life, I was able to pick up writing.
I have learned so much in the last year. There is so much to be shared and taught, and in a way, this was a year of completion in my life.
I will write first the English version, for I have discovered, that it is so much easier to translate back to Dutch than it is the other way around. My non-Dutch speaker followers will have the pleasure of discovering this book first. It will be released on the 2nd of June 2024 (2x6=12x2=24).
Why is it called 12? Well as I said it is my twelfth book and since I am a great fan of numbers, I felt this book should exactly have that name.
It is also called completion. Now I do not believe anything in this ever-evolving Multiverse is ever complete, but here on planet Earth, the number twelve stands for completion in many ways.
Just think of the number of hours on the clock, the number of months in a year, the number of eggs in a dozen, and the number of star signs and disciples.
It felt to me this would be a perfect topic to write a book about.
In my practice as a Professional Kinesiologist, I also work with the 12 dimensions of the Crystalline Matrix, The twelve crystals of the Crystal City, and the 12 chakras. As with the 12 meridians of the 5 elements and the 12 dimensions of Brain Gym® in depth, including the spiritual dimensions I have added myself.
Are you curious yet about what you are going to discover about the number 12?
12 is also the number that can be divided by quite a lot of other numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
Numerologically speaking, the number 12 makes 3. This is the number of my birth. I am from 3-12-1968. If you add them all together, you get 21, which makes 3.
The number 3 is a sacred number, like the holy trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You also have three sets of chakras: the lower three that represent life on earth, the heart chakra, your connection to your soul, and the upper three, your connection to the Divine, the throat being The Christ, the third eye the holy spirit, the Mother, and the crown, father God. ×