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Remedies for Human Rights Violations by the European Union

Alexis Antoniades • ebook • pdf

  • Samenvatting
    Where EU action affects the legal or factual situation of an individual, guarantees for the affected person’s rights must exist. If rights have been violated, a remedy must be provided. This book examines how the EU may be held accountable for violations of human rights through procedures and remedies available to the individual applicant, within the EU’s legal system and beyond. The first Part of the book highlights the significant challenges in the process of claiming remedies for human rights violations committed by the EU. Part II examines the increasing significance of the remedy provided by the principle of non-contractual liability in the framework of EU human rights law. Part III goes a step beyond and examines potential remedies in the sphere of international law, both as an alternative to the EU’s legal system and additional protection. The book contains a comprehensive analysis of substantial and procedural, EU and international, law. It is a detailed and informed handbook for students, academics and practitioners alike.
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : PDF
    Auteur : Alexis Antoniades
    Bestandstype : PDF
    Distributievorm : Ebook (digitaal)
    Aantal pagina's : Afhankelijk van e-reader
    Beveiliging : Digitaal watermerk (social DRM)   Informatie 
    Uitgeverij : Eleven international publishing
    ISBN : 9789051894530
    Datum publicatie : 03-2022
  • Inhoudsopgave
    Preface; Abbreviations; Acknowledgments; Introduction; A Introducing the research question; Part I The remedies deficit; Chapter 1 The failure of EU accession to the ECHR and the remedies deficit; Chapter 2 The action for annulment – an inaccessible internal remedy; Chapter 3 Alternatives to the ECHR and the judicial review remedies; Part II Non-contractual liability of the European Union and the protection of human rights; Chapter 4 Introducing the relationship between non-contractualliability and human rights claims; Chapter 5 Non-contractual liability: the concept of unlawfulness and human rights; Chapter 6 Damage, causation and the principle of non-contractual liability of the EU vis-à-vis human rights claims; Chapter 7 EU non-contractual liability for lawful acts and rights-based claims; Chapter 8 The scope of application ofthe principle of non-contractualliability and human rights; Part III The European Union and international human rights obligations; Chapter 9 The EU and its involvement in international affairs; Chapter 10 Does the EU have international human rights obligations?; Chapter 11 The EU and the doctrine of attribution in international law; Chapter 12 The EU’s responsibility vis-à-vis member states obligations to implement EU policies; Chapter 13 Remedies potentially available for the breach of international human rights law by the EU; Chapter 14 Procedural obstacles: available legal fora to challenge the EU on the basis of an internationally wrongful act violating human rights; Conclusion; Bibliography; Table of Cases; Table of legislation and instruments; Index
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